How many students can be served by Linwood School?
Our current capacity is 60 students.
What relationship does Linwood have with the Howard County Public School System?
Because Linwood Center is located in Howard County, we’re in a unique position to partner with the school system to provide a broad scope of educational opportunities for local students.
Linwood is part of the continuum of educational services provided in the state of Maryland. Working with the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS), our goal is to mirror the excellence of services and supports provided by the school system and offer services that complement those of the school system. As part of our partnership, our staff attend the professional development activities provided for the school system academic staff. Whenever feasible, students are assisted in a transition back into their home schools after receiving an appropriate period of supports at Linwood.
What programs are offered at Linwood School?
Linwood School is approved by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to provide a non-graded special education and related services program for students with autism (ages 5 through 21).
The school has dedicated, state-of-the-art areas for a multisensory room, computer labs, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and music therapy. It also has a walking track above the gymnasium for the students to expend excess energy when they need to. Additionally, the facility has separate areas for elementary, middle and high school student classrooms.
Does Linwood accept students from other school districts?
Yes, we serve the entire state of Maryland.