About Linwood
Creating Extraordinary Lives For More Than Sixty Years
Since 1955, Linwood Center has been at the forefront of efforts to address the needs of the autism community. Our founder, the late Jeanne M. Simons, was one of the pioneers in the field, and her early breakthrough work remains the basis for our current programs.
Today, Linwood is one of a handful of programs in the United States and one of only three in the state of Maryland that provides comprehensive education and residential programs throughout the lifespan under one service umbrella. We develop lifelong relationships with individuals living with autism and related developmental disabilities from elementary school through retirement and old age.
The unique role that Linwood plays in the lives of our participants is one of guidance and motivation. All of our programs are based on the concepts of self-determination and the enhancement of self-esteem. Our staff work one-on-one with individuals to identify their strengths, interests and goals and use those to motivate learning and development. We strongly believe that every individual has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and deserves to live, work, and play in an environment filled with encouragement and rich with opportunity.

To that end, Linwood offers the following year-round programs and services:
- A nonpublic special education school program, Linwood School
- Community-based residential services for children and adults
- Employment services and day habilitation for adults
Certificate of Approval and Licenses
As part of our MSDE approval to operate a nonpublic special educational program, Linwood provides full day and residential special education and related services. Our Children’s Residential Program is also licensed by the Maryland Department of Human Resources. The Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration licenses Linwood to provide adult employment services, day habilitation and community-based residential services.