School Facilities
Linwood School is a two story, 36,000 square foot building which houses state-of-the art features and has a capacity for 60 students. The school includes 10 classrooms, sensory integration room, indoor walking track, gym, technology center, library, teaching apartment equipped with a full kitchen and laundry, natural environment teaching room, music room, school store, and numerous related service therapy pull-out rooms. Outside of the school building, we have a full-sized playground, garden and a new state of the art greenhouse that is being newly constructed.

Note: In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHEREA) of 1986, we have on file an asbestos management plan. This plan contains information on our inspections, re-inspections, response actions and post-response action activities. You can review this plan during normal business hours without cost or restriction.